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Subject: Re: FLASH: NS6
From: Thorvald Neumann
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 08:29:55 GMT


Thursday, November 30, 2000, 5:52:57 PM, Kristopher Wainwright wrote:
> I'd rather wait until the bugs are
> worked out than have it crash my system ....

Must be a long wait then. All browsers and OSs contain bugs... ;) What
did I say? Of course I meant 'features'...

Honestly, NS 6 runs fine on Win98 and I have not encountered any
OS-relevant bugs so far. And it is more stable than NS 4.x...

Best wishes,

Thorvald Neumann
Multimedia Developer
And never forget: be a triangle.

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  RE: FLASH: NS6, Kristopher Wainwright

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