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Subject: RE: FLASH: Organic flash: 2 great examples
From: JGL
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 18:00:38 GMT

I thought it was awesome, inspiring and was thankful Kurt exposed me (us) to
it . . .

Thank you, Sir Dommermuth, I hereby Knight you unto my army for the quest of
artsy fartsy Flash . . .

I wasted the prescribed hour there and saved some .swf's to boot . . . hehe

But then again, I like Pink Floyd too . . . more depressing artsy-fartsy

Nielsen has a corncob up his @*!!


-----Original Message-----
> I had the humbling, double good fortune to be turned on to 2 very
> flash sites last night.
> If you care to dive below the surface (it's dark) for an hour or so both
> these sites will take you there.
> http://brittle-bones.com/

I'm sorry... was I supposed to be able to read that teeny-tiny gray type
font against those black backgrounds?
Yeah, Nielsen is right in some regards.
Didn't stay.

> http://cmart.design.ru/ the piece called "desperanzza" just about broke my
> heart.

I guess I just wasn't in the mood for artsy-fartsy stuff.
Especially depressing artsy-fartsy stuff.

My opinion only.

-Brian Matthews

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  Re: FLASH: Organic flash: 2 great exampl, Brian

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