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Subject: Re: FLASH: New member
From: Cheri Harder
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2000 21:00:25 GMT

There are some examples on the FlashKit site. www.flashkit.com, then do a
search for "typewriter" and pick the "Movies" category. Looks like 3 links
to movies using the effect. I like the Gatekeeper one. Downloadable .fla
is provided.

This link should take you right to it.


Good luck!

~~~~Cheri Harder~~~~~
charderatdoveenterprise [dot] com ~ Dove Enterprise ~ www.doveenterprise.com
charderatawsolution [dot] com ~ Advantage Web Solution ~ www.awsolution.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: mage007 <mage007atindosat [dot] net [dot] id>
> To: <flasheratchinwag [dot] com>
> Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 12:47 PM
> Subject: FLASH: New member
> > Hello, I'm new member here.
> > My name Liem. I ask anyone who can helping me.
> > I want to create effect typewriter (every single character show one by
> one).
> > How to create it? I'm confuse.
> > Thank's before to anyone who answer this mail.
> >

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  FLASH: New member, mage007
  Re: FLASH: New member, Andrew Le Sage

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