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Subject: Flash Interfaces to Java
From: steven warren
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 23:01:33 GMT

Hey Flash Folks,

I'm new to this list and in the process of taking a Flash interface, and
exporting it to Java. I'm struggling with the Afterburner for Flash and
all of the settings there, trying to read the HTML it generates, etc...

Can anybody give me some advice?

The simplest way that I've tried to implement this can be seen at
http://www.zoecom.com/delphi/index_main_java.htm. It's a single html file
with applet code that points to one mainmenu.swf file. It doesn't work at

A second page that's more complex (generated from Afterburner) works on
PC's but not my Mac can be seen at
http://www.zoecom.com/delphi/mainmenu.htm. It works sometimes, but brings
me to my next question... The static rollover menubar plays like an
animation, cycling through all of the highlight states in a loop until I
click one of the buttons. Then it launches a page in a new window and
starts to behave like it should. How do I get it to act right from the

At Zoecom we're very interested in eliminating complex JavaScript in favor
of Flash for interface development. I'm the hack who's got to figure it

-steven warren

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  Re: Flash Interfaces to Java, John Croteau

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