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Subject: a debate - www.bthere.com
From: Daniel Hart
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 00:54:34 -0000

all very lovely I'm sure - but do we really need another crappy superficial
style bullshit site?

I say usher in a new era of design McCarthyism - banish all the useless
wallpaper* design fascists.... we don't need them and their
yuppie/*alternative* lifestyles... I am sick and tired of it... rich kids on
the make... yep, th is an entirely ethical choice... who gives a toss about
the latest brazilian supermodel and who is on her arm?

Who cares about the loft some useless has-been pop star lives in?

And the DJ that makes their parties so happening?

This is 80s yuppiedom under a much more devious guise....

your thoughts, design people? Its time we had a devils advocate discussion
about the pernicious and unpleasant influence these people have on our
lives.... even though it might fill our coffers....


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