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Subject: Re: [flasher] Re: Hijacking Flash Content w/ Absolute Embed
From: Gregg Caines
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:16:50 -0000

The SWF is pretty cool in that it's not necessarily helpless against
hi-jacking like GIFs and JPEGs...

One fairly airtight method would be:

Create a server-side script (ASP/JSP/PHP,etc) to put your SWF in.
In addition to displaying your SWF, get the script to also calculate
an integer value based on the date (year + 2 * month + 3 * day) and
using that integer value as a filename, create a text file on the server
with only "play=true" in it.

In your Flash movie, create a function that calculates the same integer
value based on the date, and use loadVariables() to load that text file
from the server, thereby setting the value of play to 'true'. Make
sure you set play to 'false' just before you load that text file, and
you'll ensure that they don't try sneaking "play=true" in through the
querystring. So... let your actionscript display the movie if
play == 'true', or give an error message if play != 'true'.

You might need to program in some extra flexibility to allow for the
difference in timezones, etc, but that's not much extra work...
Otherwise this should keep your SWF relatively secure... I'd have a
pretty hard time subverting that kind of security, without knowing
what the function is. That would probably require some kind of
reverse engineering of the SWF, which is possible, but it's easy to
stay ahead of the hi-jackers if they have to reverse-engineer your
SWF every time you change the function slightly... You won't find
many people will have that ability anyway...

If you want control over who frames or links to a specific page in
your site, you can check the HTTP-REFERRER in your script and
programmatically ensure that it comes from your site only...

It's not really much work if you know what you're doing, and would
really stump potential hi-jackers...

Gregg Caines
n e o m e t r i x systems inc.
gcainesatneometrixsystems [dot] com

> At 5:06 PM 2/10/1, Jim Duber wrote:
> >But, recently I've been informed by a colleague in Japan that he was able
> >to "hijack" my files by placing them into his own HTML page on his server
> >with absolute links to my .swfs in his object and embed code. He wanted
> >know if there was a way to prevent this.

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