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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash - barrier to entry?
From: John Dowdell
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 00:19:40 GMT

At 10:27 PM 1/1/99, I am the Walrus wrote:
> The barrier, according to the client, was the plug-in issue.

In addition to the info in the other posts, another tack you might take
with clients who prefer seeing to hearing is to visit the weekly listings
of the hundred most-traffic'd sites on the web:


The first thing to see here is that the Macromedia site is among the top 20
most frequently visited sites on the web. Scroll down the list. Look at the
bigname sites that don't draw as much. It's not technotes that are drawing
this traffic, lemmetellya -- it's Flash and Shockwave installs that drive
that site traffic.

Now consider that the Macromedia site has been in the Top 20 for about two
years now. Sometime's it's 17th. This week it's 14th. I can't recall seeing
it much below that.

That's a lot of demand from the mass market.

Now, on top of that, figure that people who have Netscape browsers, or IE
on CDs, or Win98 or MacOS or AOL or whatnot already have Flash and
Shockwave installed. This sustained Top-20 traffic is just the tip of the

(You might also point out to the client some of the top content sites on
that list, such as Sony, Disney, CBS... although the portals and search
engines don't use rich-media, the bigname content sites sure do.)

You can definitely do media-substitution and other tricks, too... goal is
to get your message across to the audience, and rich presentations can
definitely help. Good luck in your work!


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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