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Subject: Re: FLASH: schaik site check please
From: Dorian Nisinson
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 22:14:00 GMT

Nice site and very well draw. One or two very minor things. In the text
in your intro, "maby" is spelled maybe, and in one instance you use
"there company" when it should have been "their company". Also I was
wondering why the star field in the background does not go all the way
to the bottom of the Flash movie stage?


joost van Schaik wrote:
> Hello everone,
> my intro is ready for the critics
> www.schaik.net
> I.ve been working real hard on the intro animation for my site
> and because of the possitive reactions on my other screen I would
> like to ask you all to give this also a look and tell me
> if the sound file is nessesary for this 39 k intro (without sound
> it is 23k).
> Still have a few questions:
> 1.
> I haven't figured out yet to create a preloaded loop despite of
> your mails last week. This intro is made of 240 frames
> and in frame one i put the syntax:
> if frame is loaded (i put in a parameter of 240)
> go to frame 2
> end if frame is loaded
> If frame one i.ve got the satelelite (probe) turning
> to wait for the movie to load. Is there something i missed, because
> i don't thinks this works.
> 2.
> at the end of the movie there is a button you can klik that connects you
> with an other movie.
> I wrote the syntax:
> on release
> get URL (space.html)
> When you clik this button flash is searching for;
> http://www.schaik.net/www.schaik.net/space.html/
> instead of;
> http://www.schaik.net/space.html/
> I found that strange. Maby someone else knows whats wrong.
> And to Nikhil Adnani I want to say, All the artwork is done in Adobe
> illustrator but could also been done in Freehand. No other software used.
> Greetings,
> Joost van Schaik
> Studio van Schaik
> www.schaik.net
> schaikateuronet [dot] nl

Dorian Nisinson Design
dorianatbway [dot] net (mailto:dorianatbway [dot] net)

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  Re: FLASH: button problem, Marc Hoffman
  FLASH: schaik site check please, joost van Schaik

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