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Subject: Re: FLASH: Variable Info
From: John Dowdell
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 22:29:07 GMT

At 7:52 AM 1/19/99, Jerry Sullivan wrote:
> I'm developing a corporate site that offers visitors a selection of
> options that change the image they view. For example: a car that has
> multiple colour choices. Pick on a colour swatch and the car changes
> colours. Up to that point it's no problem but how do I get feedback
> from the visitor at the point when they finally have made their final
> choice. I need to get the same kind of data that you'd extract from
> CGI scripts for forms so that I can follow up on what the visitor
> has asked for. Any ideas?

Sounds like a cool project. I'm glad to hear you're already able to manage
all the choices people make, and show them their final auto.

To let the server know their choices, couldn't each instance of your
"submit" button have a slightly different URL, which includes the CGI
name=value pairs that the database will need to know? It could be a little
laborious to type this in, true, but would you be able to give each button
instance the info about the choice...?


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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