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Subject: Re: FLASH: graphics tablets
From: David Gary
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 17:56:37 GMT

Angelique Gulermovich Epstein wrote:

> Hi everybody:
> One thing I'm unclear on is just what functionality you get with a Wacom
> you don't get with a CalComp. Yes, I know Wacoms are better, but for those
> of us who only very rarely need this sort of input device (not everyone on
> this list does graphics), it's hard to weigh the differences between the
> two without getting to try them both. I know the Wacom is more responsice,
> but what are the other differences? Would a CalComp be a horrible choice
> for a programmer who only rarely draws, or would it be perfectly
> accecptable?
> Thanks!

Depends how much you want to spend and how much you dont want the hassle of
outdated drivers
and incompatability.

Calcomp would be a second choice, but Wacom is simply supported more by the
industry and is better quality.


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  Re: FLASH: graphics tablets, Angelique Gulermovich Eps

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