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Subject: RE: FLASH: Y2K bluescreen bugs . . . anyone ???
From: Daniel Votino
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 00:56:58 GMT

three workstations and one NT server bluescreening
today out of nowhere. all vxd errors are different.
some related to "mstcp". one bluscreened even after
reboot. some force mandatory reboots. none of the
bluscreens triggered by a machine/user event. some
not being used nor touched in days. one included a
bare bones mail/exchange server with no additional
software. none of these machines have anything in
common in hardware or software really. (cept two
have flash) well, unless you count microsoft =O -
they all got MS. all machines are back online and
recovered, however, is there more? first bug ive
encountered. all within the last few hours. and i
thought we were outta the clear. =( any one else
experience this yet?


ps: it does not appear to be virii.

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  Re: FLASH: Y2K bluescreen bugs . . . any, Carlos Cardoso

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