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Subject: FLASH: Flash player on Unix ?
From: p-h
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 15:47:05 GMT

Hi there ! I am asked to develop a website for a client - and I'd like them
to opt for a full flash-based one.
But they being in a scientific field, they fear that under Unix OS (an
important audience target group for them) the browsers won't be able to read
flash files.

So the question is : what is the chance that Unix readers will have a flash
player installed (or does it merely exist, for a start)...

Thank you


P.S. They would like to make their decision this week-end so - well... it's
quite urgent (for a change ;o)

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  Re: FLASH: Flash player on Unix ?, Alias
  Re: FLASH: Flash player on Unix ?, Brad Bechtel
  RE: FLASH: Flash player on Unix ?, Branden Hall

  FLASH: New User, jnbalchin
  Re: FLASH: New User, John Brzys

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