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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash player on Unix ?
From: Alias
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 20:53:41 GMT

> Hi there ! I am asked to develop a website for a client - and I'd like them
> to opt for a full flash-based one.
> But they being in a scientific field, they fear that under Unix OS (an
> important audience target group for them) the browsers won't be able to read
> flash files.
> So the question is : what is the chance that Unix readers will have a flash
> player installed (or does it merely exist, for a start)...

Flash 4 player is available for Solaris, Linux and Irix versions of Netscape.
However, I
believe there are some features that will not work, most notably some FScommand
stuff... although this isn't always a huge loss.

Generally, a Unix box won't have flash installed, unless the user wants it.
Also, as I've
mentioned before, some (but not all) unix users do not like flash.

However, it might be worth checking on the netscape site to see whether Flash is
as standard on the Unix versions (as it is on Win & Mac) I'd say it's possible
that newer
builds of Netscape do.

So I would say, if it's the kind of site that people will go to the trouble of
installing a plugin
to see, go ahead & use flash, but if not, it might be better not to, if you can
avoid it.

(prpl)x-design for the perplexed


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  FLASH: New User, jnbalchin
  Re: FLASH: New User, John Brzys
  FLASH: Flash player on Unix ?, p-h

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