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Subject: Re: www.mercw.com (WAS:FLASH: Site Check)
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 01:12:10 GMT

At 04:41 PM 1/24/00 , you wrote:

>Our company has just completed its corporate site using Flash. I was
>heavily involved in the development, and would really appreciate some
>feedback. If there are specific inquiries, then please reply to the
>address on the site: feedbackatmercw [dot] com
>The URL: www.mercw.com

Hi Arun,

The shopping cart is well arranged, and I like the red gradient color
scheme, but there's a lot I think you can improve upon. I was surprised
that almost none of the buttons in your site have Over states, which would
enhance the site tremendously. Often on clicking on a link I had no idea if
it was indeed a link or where I'd be going, and suddenly I was in a new
HTML window. Also there's no obvious way to move backwards, for instance
from one sample to the samples menu. I tried the droplets effect -- the
gradients in the drops make it run very slowly (you should test on a slower
machine, depending what you think the viewers might be using, not just your
development machine), and the droplet sounds are not synchronized. Also,
you need some proof-reading services ("wether" should be "whether;"
"shopping back" should be "shopping bag"). Attention to all these things
will increase viewer confidence tremendously. As it is now, if I were
shopping for a web production company I certainly would be looking for one
whose own site had sleek, intuitive navigation and no typos or other
obvious mistakes.

Marc Hoffman

Poison Dart Frog Media: Specializing in Flash Animation and Digital Audio
Our latest Flash job is on display at <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/rickfrnd>
See our Flash portfolio at <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/sampler>
(featured in Flash 3 Web Animation, by Ken Milburn)

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  FLASH: Site Check, Arun Saraswat

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