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From: Wayne Townsend
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 01:37:46 GMT

Hi Eric,

Couple of things,

Thanks very much for the 4a update. Working with large files as we
do, we certainly run into these problems daily. (The problem seems to
get worse once files exceed 20meg or so.

Since most of our clients run on high speed lines, we've stuck our
neck out to produce Flash mega sites to demo our services. Although
we optimize a great deal for 28.8 with our loading schemes, we're
taking the chance to put out very large sites. (2-3 meg all flash).
They are working well.

Have a look at http://www.accesson.com when you get a chance.
For an extra kick, check out the VR Imaging demo, where we have an
all-flash 360 VR. (like a quicktime VR) Not bad, 'eh. Didn't know
flash could do that did ya? ;)
(top right screen, after the TV test pattern movie, there will be
sample ads. It's the 4th one. or goto the sitemap, and look under
the "sample ads" button.

Our main focus is on traditional broadcasters (TV/Movie/radio). In
all of our work, we try to make things flow like a TV show, and
include TV production values as much as we can. A primary client is
Palm Springs Television Studios & Triangle Broadcasting.

AOL/Time Warner really started something. To say that other
traditional broadcasters are taking another serious look at the web
would be putting it mildly.

Flash should be a large part of that for obvious reasons, which
brings me to my next question...

I was wondering if anyone from MM was planning to attend Variety's
Interactive Summit in Feb? Some very big names in broadcasting will
be there. A real opportunity for MM to promote, as for every
broadcasting site we can win over = 100 typical corp sites.

If not, we'll do our best in your absence.



Wayne Townsend
Founder, CEO
waynetataccesson [dot] net
Alt: waynetatabsolute [dot] net
studio: 760.329.2369 (US)
cell: 760.902.5299 (US)

Whats New?
Check out our latest Flash-4 "BingoTelevision" game at:
-Companion site to the live Saturday TV broadcast from Palm Springs
Television Studios.

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  Re: FLASH: Flash MEGASITES, brzys

  FLASH: [ANNOUNCE] Flash 4.0a Macintosh U, Eric J. Wittman

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