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Subject: Re: Another Bowling Game Twist
From: Wayne Townsend
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 14:54:13 +0100


Ran great on NC 4.5/Mac. Fl v3. Quick load for all that's going on. Nice
smooth effects on the pins and ball. Good sounds too.
The only think I'd prefer is for the ball to be launched on a click rather
than a mouseover. Found it a lot easier to aim that way. I found I could
do that by first holding the mouse down, positioning the cursor, and then
releasing. I wasn't able to get a strike until I started doing this. Then
I started getting them. Got 3 in a row! Damn! I'm good. :) No, you are,
Jim. Nice work. Where do you sign up for the Flasher bowling league?

>enventually (God willing!) have a scorekeeper to track how the player
>did and an option to play against a friend or the program itself.

That would be really slick if you could pull it off, but will likely
require Shockwave flash?

When finished, you should submit this to ShockRave.com It's good.



>Hi Folks,
>I have tweeked the bowling game so that it actually involves some
>"skill" and doesn't rely on a random play of the ball. I'd like to run
>it through the gauntlet for faults errors etc. If anyone is interested
>in helping I have set the test up without having to go thru the museum
>to get to it. It isn't embelished with "wait for frame" amusements so
>you'll need to wait a moment (its 86k). Please donn't hit the return
>button to leave the bowling alley as it will take you
>to a blankscreen.
>The temporary/test address is:
>This version doesn't employ any java etc so you should just be able to
>play it out right. There is also a game number recorder and it will
>enventually (God willing!) have a scorekeeper to track how the player
>did and an option to play against a friend or the program itself.
>Feedback can be directed privatley to me at my address below or thru the
>Thanks for the help!
>Jim Curry :-)

Wayne Townsend
WebStaffing.Net, Dallas, TX. USA
waynetatTopher [dot] Net (mailto:waynetatTopher [dot] Net)
wayneatWebStaffing [dot] Net (mailto:wayneatWebStaffing [dot] Net)

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  RE: Digitizer Tablet, Tim Child
  Another Bowling Game Twist, Jim Curry

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