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Subject: Re: FLASH: newbie here!
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 21:35:29 +0100

At 11:52 PM 7/3/99 +0530, you wrote:
>hi there.
> just joined the mailing list so i'm not really sure how it works.. just
>mail ur ideas and queries to the address and it auto fwds it to all??

That's right -- the listserve takes care of that. Just send new messages to
flasheratshocker [dot] com. For replies, just use your mail program's reply
feature, which will preserve the subject header. We encourage postings to
be of direct relevance to Flash, however an occasional off-topic posting is
fine (for example, a question about server configurations, or hardware
conflicts) -- just preface the subject with <OT> (off-topic) so those of us
who use filters can decide to filter <OT>'s if we wish to.

Welcome to the list, by the way. Any and all level questions are usually
welcome, however it's nice if you do what homework you can before calling
on the list for help. You'll notice lots of references to online help and
tutorial sites. By all means check them out and bookmark them, they have
information not documented elsewhere. I have no official capacity on this
list, but my advice is to not feel bad about asking for help when you're
truly stuck, and just ignore the occasional RTFM remarks as long as you've
tried to figure it out and have done the basic tutorials that Macromedia
provides with the program.

>1. it is possible to dynamically resize a movie? for example have a full
>screen intro to the site from where it reduces to a frame from where i can
>lauch htm pages.

Not that I know of. You could fake it by matching the movie background
color to the background of the HTML page, but the movie would still occupy
the original movie size even though you might make it take up less of the
Flash stage. An alternative is to use Get Url at the end of the intro movie
to call a new page into the same frame or window, and put your smaller
navigational movie on that new page. This of course is not a seamless as
using just one Flash movie.
>2. how do i get a movie in a frame to control another movie in another frame?

Through FS Command and JavaScript (hence, limited to JS-supporting
browsers). See http://www.flashcentral.com/Tech/HawaiiMap/ for a demo with
downloadable sample files and a decent explanation of what's going on.

>besides all this i'm purely a techie at heart and i take to making this
>kinda stuff easily enough.. but im' horrid when it comes to colour schemes
>and imaginative animations.. any place or resources for the 'creatively

Some surfing should locate design-oriented sites for you. I don't have URLs
offhand. But another approach is to look critically at the sites you like,
and do what any student of painting would do -- copy the masters. Not
ripping them off, mind you, but experimenting with their palettes or their
general layout. I'd also advise you to start with a very limited palette
of colors and see what you can do with it. And of course the web-safe
palette will provide plenty of limitations but so many permutations you
still need to reduce the selection. You can also ask here for feedback on
your sites -- be specific about what factors you want us to critique.

Best wishes!

Good luck.

Marc Hoffman

marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com (mailto:marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com)
Flash3 Portfolio: <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/sampler>, featured
in Flash 3 Web Animation, by Ken Milburn.

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  Re: FLASH: newbie here!, Kartik Sheth

  FLASH: newbie here!, Kartik Sheth

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