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Subject: FLASH: Flash Site Test & Questions
From: Dave
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 06:32:48 +0100

Hey all...

This is my first post but I've been reading on and off for a couple of
months (just becoming more frequent lately) and know there are some very
knowledgeable people out there on this list. I just finished taking a 10
week night course in Flash (& another in Dreamweaver) at the end of May
and joined up with a good friend, Mick Szirmay, a graphics artist to do
his site. I'd really like your "Collective and Brutally Honest" opinion
of it.(Do I know what I'm in for?<G>) It has both a static and flash
sections. It is a bit large on some pages due to graphic content, but we
did not want to sacrifice the quality of the images. Mick did most of
the Flash with a little training and tweaking from me. <G> The flash
site incorporates the normal HTML pages in it.

A couple of things of concern...

The equipment being used with the following problems - Flash 3 (Flash 4
on order) with Power Mac 8600/300 & OS 8.6 - Mick's old (he got a new
G3) & my new machine (I buy his cast offs) :-), Power Computing
PowerBase 200 & OS 8.1 - my old machine.

When any of you have built a Flash movie, did it ever insert a sound all
by itself? We have this problem with the movie. The first sound was very
timely and excellent for the moment (an intuitive program?) but not used
anywhere in the movie (It was in the library, but not placed in any
scene). We did some minor tweaks (button links,etc) to a totally
different scene and it changed the sound to a different one but a little
later in the scene. A glitch? We did add the first sound in because it
worked well.

Another problem we have had is with Netscape 4.5/ IE 4.5 and the Flash 3
plug-in? The movie would crash (not the browser), just jump from the
main scene to the next scene part way in and stop. Not all the time but
enough to cause concern. This would happen downloading it from the
website or off the hard drive. This has happened on Macs and PCs
(website test only for PC). Installed the latest plug-in (Flash 4) and
it is fixed. What's up?

Please have a look and tell me what you think... (This site is a first
for both of us so remember be honest as this is a learning process!!)

The address is http://www.members.home.net/szirmay



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  Re: FLASH: Flash Site Test & Questions, John Croteau
  Re: FLASH: Flash Site Test & Questions, dartfrogmedia

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