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Subject: Re: FLASH: Load Movie Problem
From: Karin Christensen
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 01:17:09 +0100

>First off, you'll do well to avoid the use of scenes except in
>mode. Personally I don't use them at all. When you get into more
>stuff, in particular using sound and movie clips, you will be sorry
if you
>rely on scenes.

You're right on with this one. I wish I had known this when I first
started working on a movie. I found it hard to turn multiple scenes
into one, as well.

>user manage the order of download, and often you can try to sneak in
a few
>movie downloads while the user is busy with something else.
Can you explain a little more on how to manage this. I have run into
a bit of a problem. Based on knowledge I received on this list I
created a movie which is essentially one frame and lots of MC's. It
is starting to get big but I don't have the advantage of starting the
movie off once part is downloaded, or at least I don't know how. If I
create different movies to load would the viewer have to wait although
each movie would be small.
If you don't mind, take a look. This is the microsubmarine which is
coming along nicely.



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  Re: FLASH: Load Movie Problem, dartfrogmedia
  Re: FLASH: Load Movie Problem, Warren Stolow

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