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Subject: Re: FLASH: Library window problem
From: Ulrich Sinn
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 23:22:37 +0100

Abe wrote:
> I have been having exactly the same problem, also with the F4 demo (G3 266,
> 8.5, 90 megs for Flash). It happens most often when moving symbols from one
> library to another. The main culprit appears to be dragging the symbol over
> the top bar of the window. The short term solution, drag all symbols in
> from the side of the library window.

Here it happens when I drag a symbol in the library window *over*
another symbol into the folder. I've started to creatively rename the
folders so they're adjacent to the symbol(s) I want to drag.

BTW, I also cannot double click on a movie to open Flash. I have to
either open it from within the app. or drag it over the icon.


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  FLASH: Library window problem, Ulrich Sinn
  Re: FLASH: Library window problem, Abe

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