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Subject: RE: FLASH: Macs, Marketshare, Federico and my attitude
From: Kevin Jackson
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 13:37:01 +0100

Wasting a bit of bandwidth here myself.

Ferderico pointed out off list that these things recently have taken on a
life of their own and that it was refresshing that we both immediately tried
to clear things up rather than let it go on. I think if all of us would be
able to talk to each other rather than rely on our ability to write without
being misunderstood most of our disagreements would disappear.

I guess it says something about both of us that we were up all night and
working on FLASH and this list's postings. Perhaps I should take Russ's
advice and not post after 2:30 am.

A question I asked, Federico in private was whether there was a good
resource for things to take into account when designing for the MAC. I'd be
interested in any replies to this.

Additionally, the original question still stands although hopefully in a
more pleasantly worded fashion.

How do you all decide which platform, browser to design for and which are
probably more effort than they are worth? Are there sites whose information
you feel is more unbiased and accurate? Are there sites, suggestions etc for
making things as inclusive as possible while at the same time being

Kevin Jackson
kjacksonattriskelian [dot] com

To clarify perhaps a bit further, most of my work has not been for the web
and when dealing with browsers I have had the luxury of knowing what browser
my audience is using because the files are for an intranet. The questions I
asked were questions I am literally trying to address for my companies

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  FLASH: Macs, Marketshare, Kevin and my a, Frederico

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