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Subject: RE: FLASH: Tweaning along a circular path?
From: Margo
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 03:45:33 +0100

> Is it possible to twean along a circular path...

I'm still using Flash 3. The Snap command (View > Snap) has to be turned on
and the object that will rotate must be dragged from its center or corner so
the snap circle is visible at the cursor tip when dragging to the end points
of the open circle. Sometimes it doesn't seem to work. When that happens, I
group (Modify > Group) the object and it always works. Unfortunately, if the
object is a button, it loses its clickability when grouped.

Margo Matthew
margomatatatt [dot] net

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  Re: FLASH: Tweaning along a circular pat, John Croteau

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