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Subject: RE: FLASH: Tweaning along a circular path?
From: Marc Hoffman (Dart Frog Media)
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 01:53:05 +0100

At 02:11 PM 7/21/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I have found the only way I can get this to work is to create one or more
>keyframes at positions along the circular path and set the object where it
>should be at those keyframes, THEN set the object's end point keyframe
>position to be at exactly the same place as the beginning spot. Any other
>ways to do this, anyone?

By now you've seen several other responses on how to do this. Just thought
I'd mention that if the intention is to have an object in a repeating
orbit, you don't really want it to complete the circle; ideally it should
travel the entire circle *minus* the distance it tweens from one keyframe
to the next. This way the beginning position is not duplicated when it
loops back from the last frame to the first. this is good to keep in mind
for all tweens that loop in movie clips.

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  RE: FLASH: Tweaning along a circular pat, Eric Rudolph

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