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Subject: Re: FLASH: OT: Print Shortcut on a Mac
From: John Croteau
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 08:39:59 +0100

Howdy, Howdy, Howdy,

I must admit this is the first time ever I used Howdy in an email, so
maybe I went overboard. I have though been know to say Howdy in person.

> > I'm not disagreeing with you Mighty Warren, what I was doing was breaking
> > the term down into lay-terms for the person. I'm fully aware it's the
> > "Command" key, indeed
> I figured you might be. So why not elevate the education level a little
> and use the correct terminology?
Seems this is more than a little unneccessary as is this whole email :-)

> > Hey, it still drives me nuts when you "Howdy" everyone on Direct-L and no
> > Flasher!
Not true see below.

> I say "Howdy" to those who behin notes with greetings, such as "hello",
> "hi" and so on. When notes begin with something other than a greeting I
> can hardly respond with one...
Well out of 40 posts Warren made to the Flasher List, I counted 8 Howdys
No idea of what his average might be Direct-L, but his average here is
way above any other Flasher (the word probably was never uttered here
before Warren joined us).

> I've been having an... interesting evening myself struggling with this
> retarded WinNT and another freakin PnP card.
Rarely is there an undeserved comment about Microsoft.

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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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  Re: FLASH: OT: Print Shortcut on a Mac, Russell E. Unger
  Re: FLASH: OT: Print Shortcut on a Mac, Warren 'The Howdy Man' Oc

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