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Subject: Re: FLASH: Glow Trailing Cursor?
From: Marc Hoffman (Dart Frog Media)
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 01:30:43 +0100

At 07:41 PM 7/22/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I have been trying to practice emulating the trailing glow as the cursor
>moves across the Stage, as in the loading screen of
>I was able to emulate it by using an animated button with 2 nested movie
>clip and "TellTarget".
>The drawback of this approach is that I have to duplicate those MC, 1600
>times and assign individual instance names and separate actions for each
>of the button positions needed to cover the entire stage.
>There must be a better way to do this. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Put the invisible button in the MC. Have the MC stopped and blank in its
first frame. Give the button the rollover and dragover action "play." Then
use snap to grid, copy, group, and copy again to blanket the stage with
instances of the MC. No telltarget is necessary, since each MC is triggered
by mousing over its nested button. BTW, set the button behavior to menu
item so it can receive dragover as well as rollover.

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  Re: FLASH: Training Sites done with Flas, Michael Penne
  FLASH: Glow Trailing Cursor?, Thach Nguyen

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