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Subject: Re: FLASH: flash player on a palm pilot?
From: John Dowdell
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 19:52:28 +0100

At 10:04 AM 7/5/0, Karin Christensen wrote:
> I was asked if a Flash projector on a CD made for windows will
> play on a Palm Pilot or if there is a way to make a CD that
> will play on one. Anyone know?

There have been prototypes of Flash Player on some Palm models, but I don't
know of any production runs out in the mainstream yet. There have also been
prototypes on other portable and wireless devices, but here in mid-2000
we're still at proof-of-concept rather than mass distribution.

(I suspect that once there are actual models out there with both wireless
connectivity and rich, predictable displays, that there will be a boom
among other devices to match the functionality -- it's a very competitive
field. One of the compelling advantages of the Flash Player here is that
you have a single authoring environment that will work identically across
multiple devices... you would not need to make device-specific displays,
but could instead author to the higher-level Flash Player.)

Processing power, display speed, and limited memory will remain
constraints, true... even though deskbound computers are increasing in
bandwidth, small filesizes will remain very important for portable devices
for the forseeable future.

Summary: Not yet! Individual manufacturers are working on incorporating the
Flash Player. If there's a particular device you need, then calling that
manufacturer directly can help to continually raise it in their priority
stack, thanks!


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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  Re: FLASH: flash player on a palm pilot?, Phillip M. Torrone
  Re: FLASH: flash player on a palm pilot?, Till Steinmetz

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