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Subject: Re: FLASH: importing .fla movie in Director+button problem
From: John Dowdell
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 00:02:02 +0100

There was a description of a particular project. For "How can I pause a
Flash sprite in Director?" the triggering event can come from inside the
Flash sprite (just stopping in the usual way), or else the triggering event
can come from the Director host (via its "playing" property).

If it's instead "How can I have the Flash sprite tell the Director host to
stop playing?" then that's trickier, and would usually rely on the guest
passing the host a request, and the host handling that request in an
appropriate way.

(The "wait for mouse click" stuff in the Director's tempo channel is mainly
for those who are making non-interactive presentations... once you get past
the basics, I'd recommend ignoring that tempo channel and directly
scripting what you want instead.)

The system-level buttons in Director's Tool Panel will change their height
depending on the fontsize of the text you put in those buttons. (These
system-level buttons aren't as flexible as buttons you make yourself,
because they rely on the system to draw the button.)


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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