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Subject: TRIGONOMETRY ROCKS! [was: RE: FLASH: Scuttlebutt on F5 and current
From: Kenny Sherwood
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 11:05:05 +0100

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At 23.48 -0400 2000.07.20, Jefferis Peterson wrote:

>It's been years since I studied algebra and trig... that's why I was
>hoping for a book that explained the math in relationship to the
>practical, visual examples. I was much better at geometry than trig,
>because I could see how the theorems made sense in relationship to
>something visual and concrete.

Hey Jefferis,

Cool to hear from you.

I'm a bit of an all-around math-whack-head (credentials available
upon request!) so I'll try to pitch in here and help a bit.

[I got me some cool trig URLs that I'll dig up at the end of this.]

Trig is mostly about right triangles and the understanding thereof.
Ya got 6 (think about it) relationships between any 2 chosen sides
(named around a non-90-degree angle: "opposite", "adjacent", and

Sides' names are based upon where they stand in relationship to the
(NON-90-degree) angle that you're looking at.

Lemme try this if it can be quick:

Opposite | \____ Hypotenuse ("anglish" thingy)
| \____
Adjacent * = the angle under consideration here

Shoot, that took me 15 minutes!

So, briefly (then I get to go grab me a Heineken :-) ):

(1) sine = opposite over hypotenuse SOH
(2) cosine = adjacent over hypotenuse CAH
(3) tangent = opposite over adjacent TOA ----> "SOHCAHTOA" -- a mnemonic
(4) cotangent = inverse of tangent
(5) secant = inverse of cosine
(6) cosecant = inverse of sine

... it goes on-and-on, of course ...

OK ALREADY, here I go diggin' inta me archives ...

[Jefferis, at least some-a these are Really Groovy IMO; I think ya
oughta try "d" first, then "e".]

FlashLite Sq and Trig Libraries

Flash Bible - ActionScript - Plug & Play - Trigonometric Functions

The Trig Functions

Basic 2D Math

Basic 3D Math

GREAT that you're here, Jefferis; I always enjoy yer Qs and As (not
that I always have time to read 'em all! :-) ). (Bet that really
breaks yer heart, huh?!)

HTH etc.,

Kenny Sherwood


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  RE: FLASH: Scuttlebutt on F5 and current, Jefferis Peterson

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