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Subject: FLASH: fyi: realtime 3D on the web, finally?
From: John Dowdell
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 21:56:59 +0100

Michael beat me to the punch with the news, but I hope you'll all take some
time to examine the implications of today's announcement... the Shockwave
Player has built-in auto-update, and already covers about half the consumer
web audience. There has never been a widely-deployed realtime 3D renderer
before... it's a historic moment.

(How does this differ from 3D in SWF? The Flash Player can use pre-rendered
3D objects, in either vector or pixel representations, and apply 2D sprite
animation techniques to them. A full 3D renderer takes vector descriptions
*of the objects* and generates views of them on demand, along with camera
moves, lighting moves, more. These are radically different sets of

The marketing focus is on games and commerce, sure enough, but for me, one
of the key things is integrating this realtime rendering with realtime data
feeds... you can pull in numbers from anywhere on the net, plug them into
your scene, and run the simulation... explore the data from various camera
positions... modulate the data to reveal hidden patterns. The tool renders
it all for you, multiple times each second... you just supply the scene
description. For data-visualization alone this should be a significant

Anyway, I know there's a lot of interest in 3D renderings here, and also in
web deployment... if you see ways that your work can benefit from
rendering-on-demand, then keeping this Shockwave 3D news on your personal
radar may be very valuable.

(Caveat: This first version of realtime 3D in Shockwave is *very*
script-intensive... there's not yet a GUI approach to it, you'd absolutely
need to know the theory in order to script it. Future versions should
change this, but right now you'd need to be very comfortable scripting to
control the view into the scene, the objects in the scene, and the
rendering of this data.)


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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