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Subject: Re: FLASH: Re: Flash 5 & QT
From: John Dowdell
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 21:57:15 +0100

There was examination done of putting some way of video rendering inside
the tiny Flash Player, but here are some of the complications:

-- Different computers have different video systems... Windows Media
Player, RealPlayer, QuickTime... no one video system has a clear lead.

-- This leads to content differences... should a site designer link to one
video format? all? switch among them some way?

-- Video-detection work would be significant... although there are still
posts about detecting the Flash Player in browsers, it's much more complex
to detect various video plugins in browsers *and* the necessary
system-level video extensions

-- Assuming that all computers offered a single known video API, the next
level of difficulties would be in integration... should video be
direct-to-screen or composited? how is audio mixed together? how are
messages passed between video and host?

-- Once beyond that set of problems, then there are the killer problems of
moving this to non-desktop displays... portable interactivity will be a key
focus over the next few years.

These are some of the reasons that video-in-Flash-in-browsers was not
prioritized as highly as other things were this cycle... doesn't mean it's
not possible, or not useful in some situations, but it's more like the
ongoing costs for everyone reduce the general net value. If this is a prime
requisite for your future work, though, then I'd urge you to influence the
priority stack via wish-flash, please... this carries especial weight in
the months immediately following a major release, as future priorities are

(Sidenote: The Shockwave Player focuses on full desktop interactivity,
rather than small player size and portability... it's possible to do
QT-in-Shockwave-in-browsers, although if you'll examine the Director
technotes with keyword "quicktime AND shockwave" you'll see some of the
practical difficulties involved.)


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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  FLASH: is Flash 5 to be considered an 'o, Damien Morton

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