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Subject: Re: FLASH: Moving objects (was: Two questions)
From: James Goudy
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 17:30:54 +0100

Markus, thanks so much for your reply. I realize now that I didn't phrase my question very well! I'm talking about moving objects during editing, you know, before publishing, not during playback. I want to move around elements from different keyframes at the same time. The solution I've come up with in the meantime is to put all my various objects into mcs and then just move the individual mc. Is that how one generally does it? I'm just a few months into Flash and am barely starting to play around with movie clips and tell targets. This is my first use of a movie clip, if you're interested: www.fullmarketmedia.com ...Built the globe myself!

Thanks again,


>>> joosyatpsy1 [dot] psych [dot] tu-dresden [dot] de 07/27/00 09:40AM >>>

But why not putting them in ten layers ? That would be much easier.



* Markus Joos
* Institute for Applied Cognition Research, Dresden University of Technolgy

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