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Subject: Re: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh.
From: Kurt Dommermuth
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 18:07:30 +0100

Hi James and Randy,

Thank you both for taking the time to respond and James thanks for your
kind words.


I missed FF2k and am bummed about it. I hear how pumped people are and I'm
positive it would have been worth it to go.

I am familiar with both Josh's and Yugo's work and am just in awe at the
both of them. Not to disrespect either of these super talented people, but
though I feel that their work is staggering, it is really only staggering
in a technical sense. For me, I think their work qualifies as art and is
often quite beautiful, but I'm still looking for a flash work to evoke some
sort of primal emotion. I have nothing but respect for both these men, but
the only response that they evoke from me is awe at their technical prowess
and compositional/design and sometimes color skills. To me there is still
something missing.

We all have had deep responses to some piece of art at one point in our
lives or another. It might have been a poem, music, a painting, a
book. If it was a really deep response, we read it, looked at it, listened
to it over and over and over. The only reason I've found at this point to
return to any flash site is to figure out how it was done. I don't return
because I'm touched on an emotional level such as love or sadness. Perhaps
this is my own cynicism?

So far with Flash, I've experienced great illustrative and technical
talent, but no warmth. It is hard to explain, but no flash has provoked me
to question what it means to be human. At the moment, it might be lame, but
this the only way I can define what I feel is missing. Also, I recognize
that this may be my own failing, but I have the lofty expectation that in
spite of myself, great artistry will still penetrate cynicism.

Thanks again for considering this.


At 11:57 AM 7/28/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Were you lucky enough to get to FF2K and see Yugo's Flash Canvas
>presentation, or
>Josh Davis' Chaos Theory and Nature presentation? I wish everybody who has
>touched Flash could have seen these. There were literally people in tears,
>gasping, swooning...souls were being touched.
>The main thing that sets Yugo & Josh apart from the masses is their way of
>at things. They're very different people, but they are the same in that their
>vision goes way deeper than most. Josh doesn't know math, is covered in
>and likes to run through the woods naked. Yugo is an architect,
>soft-spoken, and
>certainly more conservative. But they both have minds that seem to live in
>that the rest of us feel lucky to catch occasional glimpses of.
>It's not nearly as powerful without the man himself presenting it, but
>check out
>Josh's "Creating complexity from simplicity" presentation at
>http://www.praystation.com. Yugo's mind-blowing stuff is supposed to be up
>somewhere soon as well (minus whatever he can't distribute due to
>copyright), but
>there is one piece he showed that can be found at http://www.kiriya.com.
>Kurt Dommermuth wrote:
> >
> > Part of me wants to believe that it is possible that one of these days one
> > of us will come up with an animation that has the power to move us.
>'''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
>Randy Kato - Web Master
>627 Broadway, Suite 504, NYC 10012
>T 212.539.1680 F 212.539.1741
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  FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh., Kurt Dommermuth
  Re: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh., Randy Kato

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