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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash 4.0 and database connections
From: Robert Koberg
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 15:23:58 +0100

> I tested your site and it looks good. I suppose it is ASP that
> checks the username and Password, and in that case I'm as far as
> you are. The question is, can we do it the other way around.
> Starting from a ASP or iHTML file, defining the variables here, and
> send them to the form, so this is preloaded with the data ?

OK, I put together a quick example:
of a Flash movie that starts out and grabs info from an access database on
an NT server IIS4 sp3. It is a simple flash movie with a text field with a
variable name - initText. The second frame of the movie has an action
script with the following entries:

loadVariables ("initiateFlash.asp",0,vars=POST)

(on frame 5 is a Stop action)

If you need to pass dynamic info from an asp to the asp so it is different
each time then just put the info in session variables and read them the same
way. That is just create a Response.Write string or write what you need to
the db with a string that indicates the text field you want the particular
value to show:
"variableTextFieldinFlash=" & yadayada
The ASP (not using the session variable) looks like this:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<!-- #include file="Adovbs.inc" -->
cs = Application("cs_ConnectionString")

strSQL = "SELECT [fName] FROM chatter"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open strSQL, cs, , , adCmdText
If rs.BOF AND rs.EOF Then
response.write("initText=nothing there")
While Not rs.EOF
intitText = initText & vbCr & rs.fields.item("fName")
response.write("initText=" & intitText)
End If

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  Re: FLASH: Flash 4.0 and database connec, Jan Vangrinsven

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