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Subject: Re: FLASH: Mac command key not working with Flash
From: Frederico
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 03:14:03 +0100

On 5/31/00 7:11 PM Mountain Time, Matt Wobensmith via
mwobensmithatmacromedia [dot] com, said:

>>Sometimes the command key (the one with the
>>apple logo) doesn't work. I'll hit command-s to save and it doesn't save.
>>I'll hit command-return to test movie and nothing happens.
>I think I have experienced this. I don't feel it's an issue with the
>keyboard sequence not working. I think it's about focus. If you find it
>isn't working, click once on the stage or timeline to make the program

It is indeed an issue of focus; and it is especially exacerbated by the
use of certain shareware apps like Action GoMac, ActionFiles, Default
Folder, QuicKeys and more (you know, all those tools that make the Mac so
much better you can't live without them) which invisibly "steal focus"
for their own needs every X number of ticks.

The thing is, though, that you can duplicate the "out of focus, but
appears to be in focus" issue with a bare minimum of extents, and on all
OS versions, so I'd tell you (as I've told MM at least three times in the
past) that the focus-loss is centric to Flash itself, not the OS or third
party parts.

It's not life threatening, but if you hate the mouse already, it sure
doesn't help to add an unnecessary extra click in several times per
session. I, for one, wish they'd fix it.


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