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Subject: Re: FLASH: Scrolling Text? #2
From: Helen Triolo
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 19:24:52 +0100

Oh, I think I see what the misunderstanding is (maybe). When you're in
Flash and you type stuff into a text box, yes the box expands to fit the
text. But if you don't type anything in and are instead expecting to
*read something into that box from a text file or database* (as in
sockman), then you need to turn on multiline and word wrap to enable
scrolling (because you have no idea how long the text in the external
file will be).

Make sense now?

helen triolo � http://i-technica.com
designerati-technica [dot] com � 301-424-6037

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  FLASH: Scrolling Text?, Jefferis Peterson

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