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Subject: Re: FLASH: re: "a cancer on the web called flash"
From: AndrewScratch
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 19:50:46 +0100

Dustin wrote:

>Maybe the next thing on his list is to turn TV into a text only medium...
point being... is some people want to be ENTERTAINED.....<

I think you hit it right there. I have this suspicion that the web will eventually supplant television altogether. It's not suprising that cutting-edgers are pushing the design envelope and incorporating video advertisement elements with the interactivity that's possible with hypermedia. I think it's a bit stodgy to think that the web should only be an information repository, and that attempts to redefine our "traditional" ways of interfacing with using/navigating/ hypermedia is somehow an abuse of cyberspace. Just like any advertisement medium, entertainment and nicely crafted, attention getting design is very important.

BUT, like you said Dustin, "It all depends on the sites reason for existence"...you wouldn't have high-speed graphics and trendy layout for a scientific dissertation.

..hmmm, on second thought, the Discovery Channel would be pretty damn a turn off if all it had to offer was the doctoral thesis, instead of the latest computer animated show on the origin of the Dinosaurs...


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  Re: FLASH: re: "a cancer on the web call, Sohrab Pirayesh

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