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Subject: Re: FLASH: PAUSEing
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2000 20:47:12 +0100

At 10:17 AM 5/31/2000 , you wrote:

>I want to put a pause in my FASH movie.
>I did this before but can't remember how I did it.
>I did a loop, but it doesn't seem to be working.
>Can someone give me an example of code to cause a pause?

Action: Stop

end pause action: Play

Put these in buttons or in frames of a movie clip. The latter lets you
establish how long the pause is, the former lets the user decide. you can
do it with Action Script, too, but my hunch is you're not at that point yet

Marc Hoffman

Poison Dart Frog Media
Flash portfolio: http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/portfolio

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