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Subject: Re: Please offer feedback...
From: torcaza
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 1998 21:42:18 GMT

Dear Christian,

I enjoyed the 'resume' site. I particularly like the tone set by Dank.
The animation figure (which by the way at least i cannot help but believe
is male...) moves fluidly and naturally. Well Done.

In clicking thru the examples there were some discongruities as I do find
in many flash sites. When I chose to "skip the intro" after being put
back there by the back button at the end of an example like web banners,
there were buttons but no references to those buttons as there had been
in the first run through. I would actually hope when pressing the back
button to go back to the personal, samples scene rather than back through
the intro.



>i am working on my resume flash site.......any suggestions would be
>greatly appreciated..
>thank you everyone...
>Christian Griffith
>New Media Producer
>Freebairn & Co. www.freebairn.com
>"everything you ever wanted to know about Macromedia Flash"

\\\\\\\\\\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //////////
\\\\\\\\\\\ La Torcaza /// ////////
\\\\\\\\\\\\ Estate /// /////////
\\\\\\\\\\\\\ coffee ///////////
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ``````````` ////////////////
torcazaatix [dot] netcom [dot] com

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  Re: Please offer feedback..., Dave Smith

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