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Subject: Re: Please test this site... Please! (Mac or PC)
From: Dave Smith
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 17:48:07 GMT

> >> Hi everyone, I know I've asked once before, but would anyone like
> >>to test this site (Mac preferred, as we do not have one)?
> >>http://www.pepperhead.co.uk/bisa ...
> >
> >Count down is ok, but broken icon on 2nd page.
> >Mac NN 3.1 & NN 4.3
> >
> >/w
> >
> >Wayne Townsend

Hiya Wayne,

Everything worked fine on p133/28.8.

the design is busy with the text in front of the animated images
and would be avoided by most professional designers,

Also the "Loading" symbols is starting to fall in line with cheap
flash tricks.

I used this for a while, but there are much more creative ways to
entertain your viewers while the larger sounds and animation loads
with the streaming capabilties.

Spumco.com uses the streaming quite effectively by showing credits
first whike the larger animations load in behind.

Otherwise the concept is pretty cool.


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  Please test this site... Please! (Mac or, Ben Rogers
  Re: Please test this site... Please! (Ma, Martin McLaren

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