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Subject: Re: aftershock prob
From: John Dowdell
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 21:30:54 GMT

At 6:28 AM 3/3/98, Christian wrote:
>whenever i use aftershock, my IE 4.01 gives me a javascript error.
>any sugges? i already reinstalled IE4, and uninstalled the older
>version, so that's not an issue.

A lot depends on the error.

The one-or-all-machines test can help identify a particular subset of problems.

For another subset of problems, much depends on the Aftershock options
chosen, too.

Just on a wild guess, if the alert "interface not supported" occurs when
trying to open a new window in an IE4/Win browser, then that indicates that
some browser components are incorrect, and uninstalling and reinstalling
usually does the trick for others. I've seen some posts that recommend
twiddling the system registry, though (see c|net's Builder site for

When you troubleshoot the problem, then what does it become...?


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US

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