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Subject: Re: FLASH: RE:"Client from hell" and contracts
From: Bonnie Bucqueroux
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:20:32 GMT

Many of the contracts that I see suggested as templates for selling web
design services of all sorts talk in terms of a flat fee. My experience
has been that it is much safer to quote on an hourly basis, with an estimate
that includes a range of what the final task is likely to cost. BUT with
the admonition that the more changes or additions that the client wants, the
more that the cost will escalate, potentially outside the range of the
estimate. I find that this is the only way to avoid mutual unhappiness. It
also helps keep clients honest about the level of naval-gazing and back and
forthing they should indulge in. Not only do they need the pressure of
knowing that each change, and change back, and change again, is costing
them, but I need to know that my bank account is filling up as they do. It
saves me from gritting my teeth to nubs.

Bonnie Bucqueroux

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  FLASH: RE:"Client from hell" and contrac, BROWN
  Re: FLASH: RE:"Client from hell" and con, Kenneth C. Sherwood
  Re: FLASH: RE:"Client from hell" and con, Erik Kittlaus

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