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Subject: FLASH: FlashExperiments.com
From: Mark Hirst
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 10:28:03 GMT

Hi fellow Flashers;

I am in the process of designing a site the URL of which will be
www.flashexperiments.com (don't bother going there now because there's
nothing live yet).

The main aim of the site will be for designers to be able to show-off a bit
and hence promote themselves. It will also be a recourse for inspiration
for newbies and experts alike....basically a site where one can post and
find innovative flash experiments, get dazzled by cool effects, play around,
learn etc, etc.

It will work similarly to 3D-Cafe for those of you who know it. You submit
a piece of work, suggest the category it belongs under, state the file size,
provide a bit of blurb on what you're trying to achieve, what gave you the
idea etc. You can also provide some personal info and a link to your own
site and if you feel generous, provide the .fla for download so that people
can see how you did it.

I'm writing to you now basically to find out whether you 'flashers' think
its a good idea and what ideas you may have to make it a truly useful site.
Keep in mind I want to keep it very simple, too many sites offer too much, I
want this site to be about Flash experiments, cool animations and effects

So, if you like the idea - please tell me.
If you don't like the idea - please tell me.
If you have ideas for categories - please tell me.
If you have ideas for the actual design and layout of the site - please tell

And off course, if you have any files you would like to include in the
gallery - please post them to me at markatflashexperiments [dot] com

To get the ball rolling, here are some category ideas:

Text Effects
Mouse Trails
Serious ActionScripting
Character Animation/Cartoons
Button/Rollover Effects
Shockwave (Director)

So far, the site will comprise of:

i) Submit work Section
ii) Gallery Section (split up into categories)
iii) Feedback Section
and maybe a Links Section (but there are already quite a few very good sites
available for that)

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.

All the best,


P.s. As far as I know there is nothing like this out there, am I right?

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flashforward2000 and The Flash Film Festival
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  Re: FLASH: FlashExperiments.com, Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart
  Re: FLASH: FlashExperiments.com, gabriel

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