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Subject: Re: FLASH: Dynamic inserting images from external source
From: Matt Coyne
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 09:43:01 GMT

maybe the answer to your prayers [and maybe the answer to your original post.

all credit to dino...

At 1:13 pm -0800 3/3/00, Dino Giacomazzi wrote:
>From: "Dino Giacomazzi" <dinoatvirtualabandon [dot] com>
>To: <flasheratchinwag [dot] com>
>Subject: Re: FLASH: make flash read image from db
>Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 13:13:59 -0800
>X-Priority: 3
>Sender: owneratchinwag [dot] com
>Reply-To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
>X-Website: http://www.chinwag.com
>Status: U
>> for a designer turned programmer [don't laugh] it still doesn't sound
>I read my post again and it is pretty vague...let me see if i can do
>Here is step by step instructions on one possible scenario:
>Assuming you don't know perl and don't want to take the time to tinker with
>swiftGen do the following.
>Assuming all your image files are the same size or similar in size and
> 1. create a movie clip in your main movie
> 2. draw a box in the movie clip
> 3. size the box to match your image size
> 4. Center the box to the movie clip (CTL-K, check align to page & center
>Hor & Ver)
> 5. Place an instance of your new MC in the main movie and name it (I call
>the movie clip Images & name it Images also)
>Next you need to create a new movie that will hold all your images.
> 1. Create a new movie (I call it Image1.fla)
> 2. Modify the movie and change the dimentions of the stage to match your
>image size (the size of the "Image" Movie clip you made in your main movie)
> 3. Next, Import all your graphics into this movie (CTL-R)
> 4. Drag one of the images from the Library and center it on the stage
> 5. Publish the movie
> 6. Select File:Save As (CTL-SHIFT-S) and name the movie Image2.fla
> 7. Delete the first image from the stage and drag another one from the
>library and center it
> 8. Repeat steps 5-7 for as many images you have
>You can also name these files anything you want if you choose to load their
>location from a variable set in your database...see below...
>Now you should have a bunch of swf's named Image1.swf, Image2.swf, and so
>on. Upload those Swf's to your server and put them in a place that is easy
>to access.
>I use a folder called "images" (believe it or not) in the same folder as my
>main movie so i can path up to the files by simply typing
>And now for the fun part...
>I have no idea how your movie is structured, so im just going to give a
>simple example of one way to access these images...If you want me to be more
>specific, email me and explain your situation or send me the FLA and i can
>help you figure it out..
>so her it goes.
>In your main movie go to the location where you want the image to
>load...lets assume you have a set of actions on the main timeline that pulls
>data into a text field...you also want an image to appear relative to that
>data. You have placed an instance of the movie clip called "Images" along
>with the textfield and have set up some sort of load variable command to get
>the text...at this point there are two things you can do:
>Scenario 1
>1. create a field in your database called something like "imgURL"
>2. enter the absolute or relative path to the Image.swf file you created
>earlier (either http://www.yourserver.com/flashdir/images/Image1.swf or
>3. when you load variables from the database, be sure to include the
>"imgURL" variable field
>4. After the load variable action add a load Movie action like this....
>Load Movie (imgURL, "/images")
>5. Be sure that the URL box is set to expression & enter imgURL
>6. Select Target (not Level) and path to the instance of your Images movie
>clip (use the target editor)
>what happens here is that the new image.swf will replace the box you drew in
>that movie clip...you can also load the movie into a button and put the box
>in the Hit state...this is what i do makes it a little cleaner plus i can
>use the image as a button...
>It may take a few seconds for the variables to load which may cause the load
>movie action to miss the URL of the Image...
>so you may need to create a "loop while" and set up a variable to detect
>when the variables have been loaded, (I can help you with this later)
>Scenario 2
>The other option is to name the image SWF files sequentially and use an
>expression to call them up like this:
>Load Movie ("Image" & ImageN & ".swf", "/images")
>ImageN is a Numeric variable that starts with 1 you can change this
>variable at will by setting ImageN to 2 or ImageN + 1 or ImageN - 1
>depending on which way you are going.
>This is a little confusing and really depends on how you have your movie set
>up, so im not going to say anymore about that.
>I hope this helps...
>If you 'd like to see an example of this, check out my first flash site at
>then check the discography section on channel 3 all the images are loaded
>this way
>Id also appreciate any feedback on the site...
>dinoatvirtualabandon [dot] com
>flasher is generously supported by...
> flashforward2000 and The Flash Film Festival
> "The World�s Premier Flash Solutions Conference and Expo"
> March 27-29, Nob Hill Masonic Center, San Francisco, California
>-Register before Feb 25 and save $200!!-- www.flashforward2000.com
>To unsubscribe or change your list settings go to
>http://www.chinwag.com/flasher or email helpatchinwag [dot] com

: t h r e e z e r o :

flasher is generously supported by...
flashforward2000 and The Flash Film Festival
"The World�s Premier Flash Solutions Conference and Expo"
March 27-29, Nob Hill Masonic Center, San Francisco, California

-Register before Feb 25 and save $200!!-- www.flashforward2000.com
To unsubscribe or change your list settings go to
http://www.chinwag.com/flasher or email helpatchinwag [dot] com

  Re: FLASH: Dynamic inserting images from, Helen Triolo

  FLASH: Dynamic inserting images from ext, c pm

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