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Subject: Pasting actionscript on the mac Was: Re: FLASH: Mouse tracking and rotate related to mouse direction
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 03:09:44 GMT

Sorry for the way late response to this... I'm way behind - my mom is very
sick and so I've been off doing personal type things.

> By the way, copying and pasting ActionScripts does NOT work on a Mac Flash
> 4. If they should (Macromedia ???) then maybe someone could explain to me
> with some screenshots or similar of the list. I spent time trying to achieve
> it, but has given up !

Copying and pasting ActionScript *does* work on a Mac with Flash 4. It works
fine for me both at home (ppc, system 7.6.1, flash 4.0a or whatever that
update was) and at work on a g3 with system 8.somethingoranother, same flash

Try this. Make a little movie with two keyframes. Open the scripting window.
Write some actionscript (something with several lines of script - not just
one). Close the window. Doubleclick on the keyframe again. The first line of
the text is automatically highlighted. You don't want that. Click on the 2nd
line of text and then click back on the first line again (It's a focus
thing. You have to have focus set properly in the text box.) Leaving the
first line highlighted, scroll down to the last line, hit shift+alt and
click on the last line of the script. The whole thing should now be
highlighted. Hit Command C to copy it. Doubleclick on the 2nd keyframe that
doesn't have any script in it yet, and immediately click Command V to paste
the script in (don't click on anything).

There's two problems. You have to focus properly and it's touchy about it,
and also it's sort of picky about what it will and won't copy easily.
Copying a line of text in the middle of the code and/or pasting into a line
of text in the middle of the code makes it unhappy and sometimes you have to
try several times (both on the copy part, and on the paste part) to get it
to work. Bringing in something externally has similar problems. But if you
try doing a whole script like above - you'll see that it does work, and have
an easier time playing around with it. (Sometimes you could type it in
faster than getting Flash to do it.)

Note: I wanted to use the FAST thing, but it doesn't work on the Mac. OTOH,
I also realized if there was some way to make that work, there must be some
way to make it actually work IN flash (or they couldn't do it). That, and
the Flash 4 Magic book said it did, so I got stubborner about making it.
(I'm sure FAST does other cool things and I know people are writing plug-in
type scripts for it... which if they can, I'd love the scripts too, cuz I
can actually paste them in :)


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  Re: Pasting actionscript on the mac Was:, Mats Persson
  Re: Pasting actionscript on the mac Was:, Cheri Harder

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