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Subject: Re: FLASH: FSCommand help
From: g b
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 21:06:24 GMT

try this
in html use this script to open the window, in the field launchWin you can
name the window where the 2nd window is launched from. so you can acces this
window as any other frame. in the flash movie in the get URL action put this
name as target,
i think it will work ok

g b

<TITLE>Rock & Pop</TITLE>
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_openWindow(theURL,winName,launchWin,features) { //v1.0
if (launchWin == ''){
var controller = window.open(theURL,winName,features);
if (controller.opener == null){
controller.opener = self;
controller.opener.name = launchWin;
return controller;
<BODY bgcolor="#000000"
<div align="center"> <font face="M Avenir Medium" color="#FF6633" size="4">
function start(desktopURL){ window.open( desktopURL, "_blank",
h=420,height=120" );}
// -->


>From: "Scott Jeppesen" <sjeppesenatuniversityaccess [dot] com>
>To: <flasheratchinwag [dot] com>
>Subject: FLASH: FSCommand help
>Date: mart., 21 marz 2000 14:47

> I have a remote window opened from an html page. The Remote window contains
> a flash movie. When certain buttons are clicked in the flash movie(in the
> remote file) I want it to go to that page in the "opener" window. I am using
> an FS Command function that looks like this:
> From Inside the flash file:
> On (Release)
> FS Command ("UAopen", "http://www.universityaccess.")
> End On
> From in the HTML/Javascript I have:
> <!--
> var InternetExplorer = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;
> // Handle all the the FSCommand messages in a Flash movie
> function nav_DoFSCommand(command, args) {
> var navObj = InternetExplorer ? nav : document.nav;
> if (command == "UAopen"){
> window.opener.location.href=args
> }
> }
> // Hook for Internet Explorer
> if (navigator.appName && navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1 &&
> navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows") != -1 &&
> navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows 3.1") == -1) {
> document.write('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript\> \n');
> document.write('on error resume next \n');
> document.write('Sub nav_FSCommand(ByVal command, ByVal args)\n');
> document.write(' call nav_DoFSCommand(command, args)\n');
> document.write('end sub\n');
> document.write('</SCRIPT\> \n');
> }
> //-->
> My problem is that it isn't working in Netscape. When I click the button,
> nothing happens. It works perfectly in IE. Why isn't it working in NS and
> what do I have to do to make FSCommands work in NS. I have also tried
> simplifying this Javascript down to an alert which also works in IE but not
> NS. I am using NT with IE5 and NS4.6.
> Thanks,
> SJ
> Scott Jeppesen
> Programmer
> University Access
> 6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 801
> Los Angeles, CA 90028
> (323)460-2149
> http://www.universityaccess.com
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flasher is generously supported by...
flashforward2000 and The Flash Film Festival
"The World�s Premier Flash Solutions Conference and Expo"
March 27-29, Nob Hill Masonic Center, San Francisco, California

-Register before Feb 25 and save $200!!-- www.flashforward2000.com
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  Re: FLASH: FSCommand help, Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart

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