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Subject: Re: [flasher] Mac .fla
From: Kyryn Bennett
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 23:14:07 -0000

Thanks for anyone who was going to help. I've got 2 takers. K.
>From: "Kyryn Bennett" <bennettgeeatearthlink [dot] net>
>To: flasher from chinwag <flasheratlists [dot] chinwag [dot] com>
>Subject: [flasher] Mac .fla
>Date: Tue, Mar 27, 2001, 4:14 PM

>Would any nice pc user let me send them a 56k .fla to see if they can open
>it on their machine? It just a mundane template created on a Mac and saved
>with the .fla extension but the client says he receives an error message
>when he tries to open it.
>Any kind-hearted soul can e-mail me off-line.
>It would be great after a long, frustrating day to find out whose end the
>problem is on.
>Thanks in advance.
> --
>Kyryn <bennettgeeatearthlink [dot] net>
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