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Subject: Re: First tangile results of Open File Format initiative
From: Scott Hamlin
Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 14:50:54 +0100

I'm with Jim. I think the fact that you can open Flash files now is a real
problem. Yes, people who steal site graphics are loosers, but it cheapens
our work. It may not be that big of a concern for site's like Gabo's where
the copying would be obvious (although with a site like Gabo's copying is a
given), but what about with games. At our site, www.toylab.com, we've been
working on Flash-based games. Now I'm not at all crazy about making these
public because I know that there are people out there that will take the
games, open them, figure out how they were done, adapt some art and then
post their own games. It took serious time to figure these games out. Now
anyone can just waltz right in there and nab the ideas? Nope. Not gonna
happen. As far as I'm concerned, we certainly aren't going to post the
Flash versios of our games until we can protect them.

On the design stealing, it is a serious drawback! An example: I wrote books
on Interface Design and Web design both with Photoshop. Designs from those
books are posted at my site (www.eyeland.com). Believe me, they aren't to
die for. However, it's remarkable how often they are stolen and used at
other sites, depite the fact that the designs were featured in books which
would make it even more obvious--or publicly known--that they were stolen.
Now these loosers may not be getting notoriety, but they are cheapening the
work--they make the uniqueness of the design less unique. That is such a
huge drawback IMO that I decided not to design very many
javascript-based/JPEG/GIF interfaces anymore. Now that same hesitation will
be with Flash development. When I talk to a client, I gotta tell them that
the Flash we do for them will be stealable.

Has anyone looked into ThingMaker (www.thingworld.com)? ThingMaker has the
ability to embed credit and copyright information. Also, it can lock items.
So, you can decide how accessible you want your designs to be. You can make
everything open to anyone, you make it open, but build in non-removeable
credit, or you can totally lock the design/animation. Flash needs something
like this in a big way.

exit soapbox...

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  Re: First tangile results of Open File F, Wayne Townsend

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