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Subject: Re: MM porn/copying - relax pls!
From: Wayne Townsend
Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 19:04:10 +0100

Scott Hamlin said:

>There's a big difference between being inspired by something and outright
>stealing it.

That's true, but let me clarify my position...

If a developer goes to the trouble and expense to copyright work, well
then, that's a different ball game. If they put a price tag on it, and
make it a product, then they deserve the protection that they paid for by
doing so.

I'm just saying that for most of us who put up work on the web with none of
the above protection, that people are bound to copy our techniques. I
learned 20 years ago not to sweat this. There's just no use. And I'm no
longer convinced that it's a bad thing.

>It is true that often what is innovative is merely a clever
>augmentation of a pre-existing idea.

Or in other words, there is nothing new under the Sun. We all build off
each others work, and have been doing so since we crawled out of the slime.
This is the way it works. It's not a bad thing.

>Creating works which reflect
>inspiration from other creative works is a perfectly legitimate practice.

A correct and reasonable assumption. But then, you do a 180...

>Simply taking someones creative works, slightly altering it for your own
>purposes, and putting your name on it is theft. It is petty, it is slimey,
>it is cheap, it is lame, etc. etc. etc.

Perhaps. But since it happens every day, and there's nothing you can do
about it, there's no use in worring about it. If you want to protect your
work, then go spend the money to copyright it. Otherwise, you have no
cause to gripe. There are protections for hire for those who feel the need
to safeguard their work. Use the system if you feel so strongly about it.

>If the Internet become a place
>where it's open season on creative designs, ideas and such, creative ideas
>and such will begin to stop showing up on the Internet.

I disagree. History disproves that assumption. The Internet has grown at
historic rates *because* people were enabled to view other peoples work and
use techniques that they learned by doing so. It is definately *not* a
closed society. Personally, I like it that way.

> Unlike Ben and Wayne, there are those of us who don't
>want the Internet to become a place where loosers run free stealing
>everything they can get their hands on. If that happens, the whole Internet
>will be as skanky as all the porn sites.

It's just part of the process. Get used to it. You are assuming from the
above statement that Ben (who I don't know) and I steal other people's
work. That's not true. All I'm saying is that techniques are going to be
examined and reused. I'm also saying that if newbies can learn anything
from what I've done, then have at it, for the general good. After all,
I've already been paid for my creativity.

>Despite the fact that I am a devout fundamental Christian

How did I guess that?

Please DO NOT bring religion into this. I don't care if you're a Christian
or a Booda, or a Frog. It has nothing to do with the subject, and it does
not place you above others. Funny how *newbie* Christians seem to always
assume that they are superior. I would advise you to re-read Paul, and
very carefully. But this is *another* thread which needs to take place in
private email. The Flash group isn't the slighest bit interested in our
religious positions.

>(an extremely imperfect one, mind you),

Clearly that's true, but well, aren't we all Scott?

>I essentially defend the right for sleazeballs to
>post raw pictures, etc--that's freedom of expression--that's what must be
>protected even if I think it's bogus and, of course, I believe this sort of
>thing is wrong, sinful, etc.

<sigh> - double statement that is so common among these types of people>

>But stealing stuff on the Internet is not defendable.

Anything posted on the Internet is open to attack unless you spend the
money to copyright it. End of story.

>Saying that Internet theft is wrong is not "whining." In essence guys like
>Ben Rottler are whining.

No, I disagree with you Scott. Ben was exactly right. He has "back".

>They are using pathetically flawed arguements in a
>lame attempt to undermine the legitimate objections to an amazingly
>grotesque and flagrant theft.

Scott, think again; the law says that if it ain't copyrighted, it's
available. That's the way the media business works. You have no defense if
you have no back.

>People protesting theft aren't whining--people who defend theft are
>probably just whining about that fact that we are trying to keep them from
>doing what they want to do: steal and get away with it. To my eyes/ears,
>the bogus "the Internet is free, man, you can't fight it" argument is just
>a lame annoying whine.<

Scott, IMHO you are labeling it the way you want to, to suit your own
agenda. If anyone cares so much about their own animation on the web, they
will pay the money and truthfully copyright it.

May *the force* be with you, Scott. Feel free to attack, just do it on
private email please.


Wayne Townsend
Dallas, Texas
US- 972.713.8705
waynetatTopher [dot] Net (mailto:waynetatTopher [dot] Net)
wayneatWebStaffing [dot] Net (mailto:wayneatWebStaffing [dot] Net)
gscatOnRamp [dot] Net

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  Re: MM porn/copying - relax pls!, Dave Smith

  Re: MM porn/copying - relax pls!, Scott Hamlin

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