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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash Question: Moving Content...
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 03:25:26 +0100

At 06:51 PM 5/23/99 -0700, you wrote:
>...is there anyway I can move the contents on a layer all at one time?
>That would be the content of each keyframe.....Possible?

Make the layer in question the only active layer (lock all others or you'll
soon be in big trouble!). Use Edit Multiple Frames 3-red-square icon to
upper left of timeline) and select Onion Skin>All (button to its right).
Then Select All, and you can now drag all elements at once. Nudge into
place using arrow keys. Note: do not use Ctrl-K/ Align to page, it will
wreck the relative positions of the graphics.

>Last question no body answered last time:
>How do you all build your websites?

Perhaps there was no response because of the broadness of the question.

>Level0 your background... and level 1 your menu... loading content as needed?

This depends on the type and amount of content, and whether the user can
and is likely to request large blocks of content in unpredictable order.
Using multiple movies restricts sharing of library symbols, so you must
decide whether to use load movie at all, or put content in movie clips and
along the main timeline.

>And do you tend to always load and unload level 1 with your content as
>needed or
>do you load 1,2,3, etc as you change content?

I never unload content unless I know it won't be requested again. Instead,
I park it in a blank state. That way, calling it up again doesn't require
re-establishing contact with the server, just a TellTarget to the already
loaded movie to go to a particular labeled frame.

>What is the best way to handle loads and unloads?

See above.

Marc Hoffman

marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com (mailto:marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com)
Flash3 Portfolio: <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/sampler>, featured
in Flash 3 Web Animation, by Ken Milburn.

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  Re: FLASH: Brainless Newbie Needs HELP!!, Jeremy Romero
  FLASH: Flash Question: Moving Content..., Jeremy Romero

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