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Subject: Re: FLASH: Javascript pop-ups that work for Mac IE 4.5 - Solution
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 12:32:27 +0100

Hi Phil :)

> I was the poster for the javascript question...didn't mean to ignore you;)
Well I shoulda just let you ignore me :)

> I took a look at your page and the code, problem is that I need this to work
> from within Flash and as I don't know anything about javascript, without
> spending ages stumbling through until I get it to work I have put it on the
> back burner, although I will try later.
My problem is that I'm convinced I had pop-ups working from Flash on MSIE
4.5 but I guess it's just wishful thinking cuz I can't make it work now and
besides MM says it doesn't (that either liveconnect or active x is required
for the call from flash, although I don't understand why). I thought it
worked if you used the on remote part, but you *still* hafta have that one
piece from the flash movie so it'll work on button click (or use the frames
workaround you already know about) and that won't.

> What I did notice is that it calls on a cgi script? is this correct? if so
> would the cgi script need to be on my server?
Naw. CGI scripts are server-side and the popups in javascript are all
client-side. The perl script on the page is for doing something else

> Maybe if you know javascript you could tell me how to call it from a flash
> movie.
Yeah, all you really do is put the javascript call in the "get url" of a
button, and then put the function at the top of the html. What I can't do is
what I said I did so nevermind. I'm sorry :(


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  FLASH: ActionScriptViewer, Alemsah �zt�rk

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